Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Grateful Mondays...always a day late

Oh, who am I kidding, I'll never make it on Monday! 

This is definitely a good day to make one, I've been feeling like c.r.a.p. with some sort of stomach bug that has me running to the bathroom every half hour...ok, I'll stop there. 

1.) I have an incredibly helpful, patient, and loving family---particularly my mom and sister the past two days, who have held, played with, and bathed Adeline, even though she's been a little crazy teething baby who's cry had amplified fifty decibels (is that a lot? I'm hoping so). 

2.) These two also never raise a brow (ok, they raise them, but they have to) when my psycho dog goes berserk around the house, tears up the skid-mat under the couch cushion, jumps in the bathtub every hour (just cuz), and pulls at their sleeves so they play with her. 

3.) I got an iphone from Zach and I LOVE the photo apps that you can download. I also finally have a phone that works, which I am most grateful for.  I also got other great gifts for my b-day: a beautiful, fancy, pink!, German pen and different sizes of notepads from Kaede (so I can get my PEN on); a digital voice-recorder from my WA family so I can create interviews/shows a la This American Life, and/or just walk around with it my pocket and take it out at random times to put it front of my mouth and say, "Buy tampons." 

4.) I'm getting a massaaaaage tomorrow, courtesy of Mom (b-day gift). You have no idea how much I am looking forward to this. Since Addie was born, my body has felt perpetually out of whack--I sleep crooked, I nurse crooked, I sit crooked, I walk crooked.  I am thinking of buying this book about better posture that Kaede showed me in SF Chronicle's Datebook section. The massage should help though :) 

5.) I started working VERY part-time (one day a week) at an awesome store that sells high-quality baby products/clothes/the BEST stuffed animals. Although I'm not really making money since I immediately buy things I see there for Addie, it's fun to get out for awhile and mingle with people. 

Ah...I feel better already. They (the government? teachers? your mama?) should make everybody do these lists, better then a drink, they are. 

Good night everyone, A.

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