The newest member of our family: Mr. Louie Allen Pereyo, Esquire. Yes, I added that last part just now. Although he's been with us now for two and a half months already, he is new to el blogosphere, so I thought I would formally present him.

I'll start to write a series of posts about Louie with more details on his birth and what having a second child has been like. I can quickly summarize it for now though by saying he, as an individual lil' baby, has been AWESOME, and having a second is a lot like having one. A challenging, exhilarating, roller-coaster ride of love-fests and cry-fests, everything from Ohmygod-what-have-we-gotten-ourselves-into-to!, to, Wow-i-love-these-little-buggers-more-than-Granny's-pecan-pie.
I had to change the name of the blog from "Babe and the Beast" to "Babes and the Beast" because, well, obviously we can't exclude the little dude now. Seeing as they are starting to form a pack and outnumber the elders.
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